Mould for Curb slab 500*210*45 8 pcs., Veres-2007

Article: 104010108

Size:500×210x45 mm

Number of refill cycles: 500 cycles


pcs =
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Moulds for plastic slabs are designed to produce paving slabs and road slabs using vibrocasting technology. The production technology is described as succinctly as possible on the website according to DSTU B V.2.7-238:2010. From these forms, you can make concrete curbs that restrain the integrity of the pavement and road surface, their sizes depend on the load: up to 200 kg have a size of 500/210/45, up to 3 tons have a size of 500/210/70 and more than 3 tons have a size of 1000 /220/75, a rotary border is more often used for arranging flower beds. Improvement of the quality of mould production has been going on for more than 25 years. We have more than 80 types of forms for paving slabs in our assortment. We can fulfil non-standard orders as quickly as possible at our own production facility. Forms for paving slabs are produced according to TU 25.2-05412380-001-2004

  • Series Curb
  • Number of refill cycles 500 cycles
  • Size 500x210x45 mm
  • Material plastic
  • Number of moulds in the set 8
  • Manufacturer Veres-2007
  • Producing country Ukraine
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